The @vanmeterschools 3rd graders in Mrs. McCombs’ and Mrs. Volk’s classrooms are learning how to code the ⭐️ NEW⭐️ @sphero Indi this week. They’re having so much fun learning with Indi. 🎉🎉🎉
We always love the virtual author visits we have with our friend @susanverde especially as she reads “Hey, Wall” to help us kick off the Global Mural Project here at @vanmeterschools ❤️🌎
#vanmeter #tlchat #futurereadylibs #globalmuralproject
The shop at @vanmeterschool is humming with all kinds of different projects going on.
Dallas Chief Eagle spoke to our @vanmeterschools 4th graders today about the Prairie Awakening Awoke Celebration.
This event will be held at the Kuehn Conversation Area on September 11.
Friday, September 10th Bulldog Brief
The @vanmeterschools 3rd graders from Mrs. Garrison’s room are having so much fun learning about and coding the new @sphero Indi’s. 🎉
Today for English, our 9th graders went on a walk to Trindle Park to find examples of imagery to prepare them for narrative writing. 😊
Lots of fun practicing time with Mrs. McComb’s 3rd graders using Gimkit today.
Our @vanmeterschools 7th graders did @BreakoutEDU boxes to reveal important information about safe food handling with Mrs. Sents today.
Our 3rd graders in Mrs. Wright’s class unboxed our new @Sphero Indi robots today. They’re figuring out the code with the colored cards.
So much fun!
A big thanks to our VMEPC for supporting this project. 🤖
We are going to have a songwriting club at Van Meter.
The goal of the club will be to help each other learn how to song-write & share ideas.
Fill out if interested.
News from Mr. Pape
We are going to start a high school chess club here at Van Meter. We will meet Wednesdays during lunch. Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining!
Check out how Ms. Algreen and Mrs. Miller kicked off the year with this awesome art project in S.T.E.A.M for International Dot Day.
Printmaking With Pizza Pans, Paint & Lots Of Creativity!
Our @vanmeterschools school board President, Jessica Drake, joined Iowa Press today as they discussed education in Iowa.
#vanmeter #iaedchat
The @vanmeterschools 3rd graders from Mrs. Garrison’s class read How Full Is Your Bucket and created their very own full buckets today. 😊
#vanmeter #SEL
Mr. Swartz and his 5th graders at @vanmeterschools finally beat a team building activity today! 🎉
Friday, September 3rd Bulldog Brief
We are learning about printmaking and creating prints to celebrate #DotDay in #STEAM with 3, 4 and 5 grade today.
Our @vanmeterschools 9th grade Biology students conducted a science experiment where they are extracted DNA from strawberries and bananas in Mr. Kennedy’s today.
Our @vanmeterschools 4th graders created STEAM using the new peg boards in #STEAM today. 😊